Social media list (list of social media apps and sites to add)
Social media list (list of social media apps and sites to add)
Social Media Directory (or somedir.org for short) is a free and open directory that connects names to social media accounts.
Want to help build the database? Contact us at post@socialmediadirectory.org if you want to be a moderator.
Use this format: Lastname, Firstname Middlename 12.31.1999 facebook.com/username twitter.com/username
Note that SoMe accounts are listed alphabetically: Facebook, Instagram, Telegram, Twitch, Twitter, Youtube, etc.
ONLY add accounts that are in the public domain. No doxxing.
Use this format for anonymous and pseudonymous accounts: Username twitter.com/username youtube.com/username
For redirect of celebrity names use this format: Celebrity Stage Name (see Lastname, Firstname Middlename 12.31.1999)